Okay so this one is different. This blog will focus on a new motorcycle I just bought. A 1984 Honda VT500FT Ascot. The bike has sat for a while and is not running. It's also been a little beat up, and in my opinion, mistreated over the years. This will be a slow process to renew this bike back to a solid, stock-like bike. I don't have a budget to just go blow a bunch of cash on it in a whirlwind project. If I did I would have simply bought a better one. Instead this will be a prioritized project of baby steps that will lead to a functioning motorcycle first then slowly improve the bike over time. I'll try to document it all here for fun and posterity. Should be fun.
Without further ado here is the beast:
Current status is a non-functioning attempted rat bike conversion. First order of business will be to fix the "non-functioning" part. I guess the real first step is cleaning out the garage to get it in there. More on that next time.
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